(978) 369-0061 | Ticket Line: (978)795-9075

Bringing new life to the classics

Inspirational Musical Theater in Concord, MA & Beyond


For Such A Time As This

Ebenezer Scrooge: A Christmas Carol

An original musical adaptation retelling the tale of the redemptive Dickens’ classic.

Celestial City

A musical adaptation of the “original English novel” Pilgrim’s Progress and the integrated life of its author, John Bunyan.


The classic biblical narrative of Ruth sings of love and redemption

Martin Luther:
The Hammer and the Door

An original musical drama written to commemorate Martin Luther’s recovery of the essential gospel truths that had been obscured through centuries of neglect.

Song on the Wind

An original musical describing the convergence of the English and Native cultures and the relationships that formed between them during the first 50 years of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.